As an option, Cub scouts wear red felt vests called a "Swag Vest".
On this vest, boys get to attach all of the extra patches from special events and recognitions that are not worn on the uniform.
For the Pack, we receive similar most often in the form of ribbons attached to our Pack Flag.
2014 Pack Awards
2013-14 District Roundtable Perfect Attendance
2014 Lord Baden Powel History Of Scouting Trail (HOST) Hike Inaugural participant (Flag Pole Bar)
2014 Summertime Pack Award
2014 Day Camp Participation
2014 Goshen Webelos Camp Participation
2014 Diamond "W" Award Ribbon for Goshen (PMI) Webelos Camp
2013 Pack Awards
2013 Journey To Excellence Gold Level Pack
1st Place in the Scouting group catagory in the 2013 Dale City Holiday Parade!
2013 Scouting For Food
2013 Summertime Pack Award
2013 Day Camp Participation
2013 Goshen Webelos Camp Participation
2013 Diamond "W" Award Ribbon for the Goshen Webelos Camp
2012-2013 District Roundtable Perfect Attendance
2013 Livingston History Of Scouting Trail (HOST) Hike Inaugural participant (Flag Pole Bar)
2012 Pack Awards:
Journey To Excellence Gold Level Pack
2012 Presidential Inauguration Participation
2012 Summertime Pack Award
2012 Day Camp Participation
100% Boy's Life Ribbon
Scouting For Food
August 2012 Update:
We earned our first Ribbon for our Pack Flag at Roundtable this month: 2012 Day Camp Participation!
We also received 3 Den Quality Award ribbons! Congrats Den 9, 7 and 3!
2012 is the Pack's founding year. While we start with nothing, our Pack flag will soon be trailing many recognitions. Some of the types of ribbons that were earned in the past by the founding Scouts and Leaders are:
Journey to Excellence: Gold Level
Summertime Pack and Den Awards
100% Boy's Life pack
Perfect Attendance at Roundtable
Attendance at Day Camp, Resident Camp, Goshen and the 100th Anniversary of Scouting ribbons